

The Walking Dead Review

Played on Xbox 360 Arcade 

Telltale Games runs away with my Game Of 2012 title!
Written by Michael 


When the developers of Playstation's Back To The Future series announced that they were developing a series of short chapters for Walking Dead, a lot of fans of the comic and tv show did not have high hopes for this game. However, after playing all 5 chapters of the game, I can say that I have never ever been as emotionally involved in the characters and storyline with any game, as I have this one!


You start the story in this point-and-click story game by taking the form of Lee in the back of a police car being escorted to prison. As it becomes apparent that the world has changed forever, he meets a young girl by the name of Clementine and from then onwards you are sucked into how this story will end. 

The game is more of a story teller than an actual game. In fact, action scenes are few and encourages you to get to know each character in the game and invest in there past and future by making decisions throughout each episode, which ultimately will decide the fate of everyone you meet.  


With nerve racking chapter finales, and decision making leaving your finger nails hardly there, this will leave you wanting to continue playing even after the final chapter has ended. Good news also, Telltale have announced they will be making a second series of The Walking Dead. So fans, the story is not yet over.....

With the game available as a download, gamers not able to purchase this through the PSN store or xbox dashboard fear not, as a retail disc is due to be released next week!! 


In short this game is freaking awesome! I have never been so emotional playing a game as I have with this one. Any zombie fan MUST get this game Easily, my game of 2012.

9.5 out of 10
Mind blowing story telling, both horrifying and emotional. A MUST buy!

Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Review

A success with fans but becoming more stale 
Written By Michael


The highly successful franchise returned recently with another installment of the Call Of Duty franchise, with fans worldwide chomping at the bit to get there hands on Black Ops 2. After the success of Treyarchs first attempt with the franchise in November 2010, there was high hopes from fans that they could push the boundaries even further. 

Single player campaign


Positives for me has to be being able to create your own class before every mission, the inclusion of the new "strike missions" and the ability to mould the ending of the campaign through choices made in the duration of your playthrough demonstrates a willingness to try something new. However, although enjoyable in parts, the game becomes stale after the first couple of missions. Storytelling and being emotionally involved in the characters in the game just did not happen for me, it felt like they had mashed up a story that was both predictable and often un-interesting. Additionally, as renowned in most COD games, the campaign can be completed in between 6-7 hours which is far too short for me.


For most COD players, multiplayer is one of the main reasons they buy the game. The logo maker returns from the first black ops game which will allow you to create your own emblem, custom classes return with new and familiar weaponry, and kill streaks have since been replaced with the new and much improved score streaks. Players are not just encouraged to chain kills together to earn a streak, but now by calling in a UAV, taking down UAV or using an emp grenade while equipping a perk which will allow you to see enemy bouncing bettys and claymors etc, will earn you a score. The maps, although limited, are a nice blend of close quarter combat and large open area maps for sniper fans (god I hate you)! The introduction of some multiplayer achievements I felt was a nice touch by Treyarch. 


For some reason, its never appealed to me in the past. I found it boring as hell having to stab, shoot and build bloody planks of wood across windows and doors only to get hit twice and that was it I was screwed! However, Im glad to report that the introduction of the new Tranzit mode has changed my views on this. Although the premis is the same, survive, build pieces of wood, stab and run away etc, the introduction of a bus taking you to different locations, each with unique weapons to build and places and doors to open, makes it a highly enjoyable experience when playing with friends. Not the best zombie game/ mode I have ever played, but certainly a step in the right direction for me. 

In summary

COD fans are ultimatley keeping the franchise alive and at the number one spot when it comes to FPS shooters. I do feel the franchise needs a break from its yearly release, with both Treyarch and Activision taking stock of what made the game great in the past and make it better for the future. However, with millions of copies sold, and hardcore COD fans still playing in its millions, I can't see any of the above happening in the future. 

7 out of 10
A good game that could be great. Lazy story telling lets the game down badly

WII U: The next generation is here

The Next Generation Is Here
By Lee

With Microsoft and Sony showing no sign of teasing us with their next generation offerings, Nintendo has decided to get in there first with the Wii U (Yes Nintendo get bonus points for ridiculous names). But what does it have to offer. 

Nintendo are known for their constant innovations ( glasses free 3d with the 3DS, motion control on wii). But the wii u takes it up a notch combining powerful base unit that essentially projects the image to wii u control pad. 

The Wii u comes in two parts, the main console and a tablet like controller. The main console is a souped up version of the original wii console. Even the design of the Wii U is reminiscent of the old Wii.

The Second part of the Wii u is the controller. This controller looks like something you would get if a ipad had babies with a joy pad.

 But this is where the fun really begins, the controller then becomes your console and TV all in one. You can play games on the pad or on your TV or even a combination of the two. 

It does have its draw backs however due to the constant broadcasting of an image to the pad, the battery doesn't last long, three hours seems to be the pads life span and you cannot charge the pad from the console like an xbox play and charge kit. 

The basic console itself is lacking in storage GB is no way near enough with some downloadable games filling that storage on their own. The price as well is a major down point £249 for the basic pack and £349 for the premium pack is quite expensive to say you could get a 500gb ps3 for £249.

In Summary
If this is a sample of what the next generation of consoles has for us then we are looking at a very bright future. Nintendo are no doubt in the process of churning out its back catalogue, zelda , metroid prime and Mario kart so the future is looking good.

7.5 out of 10
A great unit with some minor flaws but could see the beginnings of greatness 

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